You are now a member of a unique community of women determined to learn and improve their financial knowledge, mindset and habits.
You can expect a monthly newsletter with suggested task and ideas on what you can do for your finances in 2023.
We will be discussing personal progress in our monthly calls.
This meeting will be dedicated to our new year resolutions.
This meeting was dedicated to budgeting.
This meeting was dedicated to personal progress of the participants.
This meeting will be dedicated to your personal progress in 2023.
Participants are encouraged to prepare for the meeting and present their pr...
Each member will continue working on her personal strategy document
Financial dashboard (xlsx)
DescargarYearly evaluation (docx)
DescargarBudget format empty (xlsx)
DescargarFull list of DEGIRO commission free ETFs (pdf)
DescargarTemplate My investment strategy 2023 (docx)
DescargarFinancial plan_the tables (xlsx)
DescargarFinancial model_Madrid_example_no debt (xlsx)
DescargarPassive investing in Europe with DEGIRO_Oct23 (pdf)
DescargarWatch the recording of the November meeting, where Lena shares her reflections around well-being and budgeting.
Discover the 3 elements of your financial well-being, assess where you stand today and look into possible improvements. Financial health self-assessment can be done by following the instructions in the video. The video is 19min long and the assessment should take around 30min of your time, since you will be pausing and writing your own reflections.
Guias de educacion financiera por Comision Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV).
Here you can find a list of books.
Working on your finances requires discipline and planning. I designed this calendar to help you progress with your financial goals. Whether you are a club member or just a visitor, feel free to download the copy of this calendar in your agenda through this link.
Scroll down to understand what each event is about.
This is a live call taking place on the second Tuesday of each month, except the month of January, when we meet on the 3rd Tuesday, the 17th of January. There is no monthly call in the month of August. Each call offers an opportunity to discuss your personal progress as well as ask your questions, in addition there will be a short learning bite and / or financial news of the month, which will be announced in advance. You can submit your questions by email and they will be answered whether your are present at the call or not. The call recording will be distributed to the club members.
If you never heard what is a Wealth Management Day, watch this video. If in short, you need to have at least 15min a week reserved to work on your finances.
I reserved 30min each Thursday at 10am as your Wealth Management Day. You are free to adjust this time to another day of the week or shorten the event to 15 minutes. You can also decide to move the wealth management day each week based on your agenda.
How to organise your Wealth Management Day?
The idea is to write down any small financial “to dos” as notes in the upcoming Wealth Management Day. That way each week you will have something to do as a small action. If you dont have any concrete actions for that day, use the time to update your financial dashboard or work on your personal wealth strategy.
If you follow the passive investing strategy, this is your day to buy your investments. You may need an extra calendar event if your investing is a two-step process. In that case duplicate this event on the first week of the month as well.
If you are not sure what I am talking about, consider joining the next Investment Accelerator.
This is the day to update your Financial Dashboard. We update our dashboard every 3 months. You can choose to do this update every 6 months instead.
Please send me questions or ideas, it will help me create useful and interesting content, tools or meetings.
Please make sure to whitelist my email address
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